Night Nurses – what do they do?

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A Night Nurse/Night Nanny usually joins a family when there is a newborn baby.

Her focus is on childcare, and to be with the baby/infant/young child from 19h00 – 07h00.

She will take over all care, supervision, feeding, changing and ensure the baby remains comfortable throughout the night.

Night Nurses usually arrive, bath and prepare the baby for bed.  Feed the baby, change his nappy and settle him down for the evening.

The Night Nurse remains with the baby, and monitors his temperature, how he is sleeping and is on hand should the baby wake, need changing, or need feeds during the night.

She would keep detailed records of her observations during her shift, so the parents have a record.

The Night Nurse would often straighten and tidy the baby’s room, she would sterilise all bottles/dummies and prepare bottles for the next day if this is required.

The Night Nurse will be experienced enough to assist with babies with colic, reflux, or who may be problem sleepers.  Many night nurses can establish sleep routines with a baby.

Night Nurses often have twin or triplet experience.  But in general they have singleton experience.

Night Nurse are there to give the mom and dad a full night’s sleep.

In most cases Night Nurses are brought in because:

  • There is a newborn baby
  • The mom is not getting sufficient sleep
  • The mom is experiencing postpartum depression, and needs additional rest to recover
  • The baby is not a “good sleeper”
  • The baby needs extra supervision at night – the baby may be premature, suffer from colic or reflux
  • The mom is wanting support with someone who can sleep train her infant.
  • The reason and need differs from each home and situation.

Night Nurses usually start on a contract which is often in the range of 2 – 6 months.

The amount of shifts per week is established at the outset and these often are between 4 – 6 shifts per week.

The length of this contract and the amount of shifts differ for each home — let us know your needs and we can assist you from there.

A shift runs from 19h00 – 07h00 or 18h00 – 06h00 – again this differs from situation to situation.

The Night Nurse often has a medical background, or has worked in a maternity hospital or a paediatric ward.  Night Nurses often gain experience working with infants, and then move from contract to contract.

REALLY IMPORTANT:  The candidates I offer you are Night Nannies — they do not have a nursing qualification nor are they registered with the Medical Board.  They are women with extensive newborn experience, have done training in this area and work with moms with newborns.  I know that the common term is “Night Nurse” – but she is seldom a qualified and registered night nurse, so it is important to keep this in mind.

Even though the term NIGHT NURSE is used in reality the correct terms is NIGHT NANNY.

The candidate is not registered as a nurse so you are unable to claim this back from your medical aid.  This not does not diminish her ability and her knowledge around infants and newborns.

Shift rates differ and this is effected by:  the length of the contract, the amount of shifts in a week, the amount of children she is caring for, the age of the babies.

Salary expectations:  R350.00/R450.00  + travelling costs, per shift for a singleton; R500.00/R650.00 + travelling costs per shift for twins/triplets.

The salary band is dependent on the candidate and her experience, and what the family is willing to pay.  And what the Night Nanny has earned in the past.  You will only be referred trained, experienced and specialise Night Nannies/Night Nurses through Happy Helpers.

We do not recruit a lot of these candidates – so we may not always have someone available and ready for when you need then, and what your home situation is.

Need a Night Nanny in Cape Town?
Need Domestic Help in Cape Town?
Contact Happy Helpers – Specialist Nanny Recruitment Agency Cape Town.

Please contact me to discuss a detailed brief and what you need for your household.

Contact Celeste at Happy Helpers > Cape Town
Mobile Number : 083 602 0262
Fax : 086 585 3637